The Ultimate Guide To Fat Loss For Runners

Like many, I turned to running when faced with the need or desire to lose weight. I'm grateful for running, as it was the launching pad for my fitness journey and transformation. But as a runner, a coach, and a personal trainer, I've noticed several common misconceptions about fat loss and running that could impede your progress. 

One of the most common questions for many of us is, why am I running so much but still not seeing the weight loss results I desire?

Running burns many calories, so why aren't the pounds falling off?


Let's start with adaptation. The first time you laced up your new shoes and ran around the block, you were huffing and puffing when you reached the first corner. Your heart rate shot up, your lungs burned, and your legs were tired. You ran inefficiently, and your body had to work very hard. But over time, it got better. You could run a mile or five with much less effort than that first time around the block. Improved efficiency is excellent for the joy of running, race results, and general fitness performance, but it makes fat loss a bit harder. Essentially, the harder your body works and the more inefficient (harder) the exercise is, the more calories you burn. 

So you may have noticed when you started a running routine, you may have experienced fat loss, but after four to six weeks, your results seemed to fade. 

If you run the exact 15-30 miles per week, at the same pace, week after week, month after month, year after year, your body will adapt and become very efficient and burn fewer calories for the same workouts.

One way to combat this is to run more volume (miles) or increase intensity ( faster, sprints, or hills). If your body works harder than it is accustomed to, it will burn more calories. Excellent! Except that your body will also adapt to this new stimulus, which is good! It's why you can train to run a marathon or improve your 5K time. The beautiful thing is when you incrementally give your body more stress (workouts), it adapts and gets stronger or faster as long it is paired with proper recovery. It's good news for performance but not great for continued fat loss because if you keep piling on the miles or intensity after a certain amount, you won't have the time in your day or the ability to recover from hours of prolonged or intense workouts.

One way to add more movement for fat loss without too much extra stress on your body is to take walks or move around more to increase your daily step count. If you get considerably less than 10K steps daily, working up to 8K to 10K a day can be beneficial. 

Even as a runner, a running coach, and an advocate for running for health and longevity, I still believe running is not the best tool for continuous fat loss. It works until it doesn't. More is not always better, and it more often leads to injury or burnout. Don't get me wrong. Running is fantastic for weight maintenance, mental health, and heart health. I love to run. Keep doing it.

So, if running, as many people have led to believe, is not the best tool for continued fat loss, then what is? 


Enter calorie deficit. A calorie deficit means taking in fewer calories than you burn. It is the primary driver of weight loss. Many people interpret this to mean moving more and eating less. But we already discussed how moving more (and more and more) only works for so long. If you are sitting on the couch (sedentary) and eating fast food, by all means, move more and eat less. But if you are a runner and already very active, this may not be the best advice either. 

The issue for endurance runners and a calorie deficit is that asking your body to do more and then feeding it less can be problematic. Your body needs calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients to fuel and recover from exercise. If you deprive your body of what it needs to perform and heal, it will break down, and you may end up either burnt out or injured. 

I do not recommend a calorie deficit if you are training for an endurance race. Having fat loss and race performance goals simultaneously can be counterproductive. Which is more important? Do you want to lose fat or run a race? If you choose one at a time, i.e., train for a race and set a fat loss goal between race training cycles, you will get better overall results for both goals. 

You will need calories to fuel and recover properly when training for a race. Depending on the distance of your race, you may even need intra-workout calories. Reducing calories is not ideal during endurance race training. Setting fat loss goals aside until after your race is usually best.

Some people even find they gain weight during marathon training. Read here for more on why that can happen.

If you are running to maintain fitness between race cycles, it can be a good time for a slight calorie deficit to increase fat loss. However, it's important not to cut calories too drastically or lose weight too fast to avoid muscle loss and increase the chance of rebound weight.


We discussed how your body adapts to exercise; the same applies to your metabolism. Metabolism is the chemical reactions in the body that convert food into energy. Simply put, when you give your body less food, it adapts (called metabolic adaptation) to function on less food. In the same way, you can't just add more and more miles to burn more calories; you can't eat less and less to lose more fat. Your body will try to keep you alive by using those fewer calories for your brain, organs, and other essential processes. Your body sheds weight such as fat (yay) but also muscle (not yay) and reduces other non-essentials due to nutrient deficiencies, so you feel low energy while on a low-calorie diet for an extended time. Your hair starts falling out, your nails get brittle, your feet are cold, and you do not recover well (or get injured) from workouts. In some cases, you may lose your period. These symptoms can result from low energy availability, not giving your body the nutrients to look, feel, and perform its best. 

Eating fewer calories smartly and sustainably is necessary for fat loss, but consuming fewer and fewer calories is not always better, especially for athletes who have already reduced calories or have been operating on low calories for a long time. 

So, if runners with fat loss goals struggle to lose fat by running more and eating fewer calories effectively, how can they do it?


Start by building muscle. Woah, woah. Wouldn't building muscle make me big and bulky, the opposite of my desired result? I want to be smaller and faster. All the extra weight will slow me down and be counterproductive to my goals. This common misconception holds many runners back from reaching their fat loss goals. 

Lifting weights and performing resistance training exercises will not make most women big and bulky or add significant weight. I wish I had large and bulky muscles, and I have been working for a long time toward that goal, but the results are slow. It is hard to build large muscles, especially for women who run endurance. 

Building strength and muscle can help improve your metabolism, increase the amount of calories you can eat without gaining fat, help you lose fat while preserving muscle, improve your running performance, and prevent injuries.

The best strategy for fat loss for runners is a strength training program and adherence to nutrition. Running can be part of the plan, although it is not the primary driver of continued fat loss. 

But doesn't running build muscles in my legs? They should be really strong from all these miles. Yes, and then no. 

When you first start running, you will develop muscle and strength in your legs and glutes as you work previously unused muscles. But over time, as is the theme of this article, your muscles adapt. As you run longer miles, up hills, or sprint, you can build muscle, but without additional stimulus to continue the growth (aka resistance training), your body adapts, and you do not gain new strength or muscle from the same workouts, and can lose muscle over time. The workouts need to be progressive: a little more (more weight, more reps, more sets, less rest, slower reps, or new exercises) to continue seeing positive changes. So, yes, you can build some muscle and strength when you start running, but over time, you need to provide additional resistance to continue progressing.

Strength training should be a full-body progressive program that covers all the movement patterns: squat, hinge, push, and pull at least twice a week. The weight should feel heavy enough to feel challenging towards the end of a 6-12 rep range. Then, runners can also benefit from single-leg (SL deadlifts, lunges, or SL bridges) exercises and multi-planar (multidirectional, like side lunges and lift and chop) exercises for performance and injury-prevention benefits. It doesn't have to be complicated or take too much time. It needs to be consistent and progressive. Need help? This is my expertise.

Strength training will help you preserve (and even build) muscle, so when you lose weight, your body loses fat and keeps your metabolism revving up with muscle. 

Muscle is denser than fat, so it takes up less space in the body. If you build muscle and lose fat simultaneously (the holy grail), the scale might stay the same (or even increase), but you may wear a smaller pant size. 

Losing weight without muscle training results in a smaller body size, less muscle mass, slower metabolism, more frailty, and greater susceptibility to injury and weight regain. Losing weight by preserving or building muscle results in a new athletic shape that is more flexible with the calories you consume (i.e., you can eat more without gaining weight).

Muscle is metabolically expensive. That means the body burns more calories while sitting around, watching TV, and sleeping when you have more muscle. Those calories are not as easily stored as fat when you eat because they are needed to preserve and build muscle. You can eat more and maintain or even lose fat. 


Of course, nutrition matters for fat loss. We want our nutrition to work for us, to fuel our bodies and recover effectively, and to allow us to enjoy life, celebrations, and meals with friends and family. 

One of the best ways to improve nutrition for fat loss is to limit processed foods as much as is reasonable in your lifestyle. Eating whole foods from nature helps naturally limit calories because processed foods are easier to overeat. I don't mean to go extreme here; look to eat mostly meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. It doesn't mean you must make everything from scratch or grow and hunt all your own food. Aim to make the most reasonable, least processed option available when it makes sense. Aim for a small and sustainable calorie deficit when not training intensely.


We discussed how vital resistance training is to fat loss, and protein is a crucial contributor to muscle building and fat loss. Protein needs vary from individual to individual, but if you are an adult woman who weighs over 100 pounds, is a runner, and lifts weights, you would likely need at least 100 grams of protein per day. Your needs may increase from there depending on your current body weight, goals, and activity level. But I suggest tracking your protein intake for a few days to a week to get an average. Are you effortlessly passing the 100-gram mark, or do you fall short? You may be surprised when you track. Review nutrition labels and serving sizes, and measure and weigh for the most accurate tracking. 

Protein has added benefits for fat loss. It is more satiating, so you feel fuller between meals. If you track and find you are only getting 50-70 grams per day (which is common for people who were previously unaware), then you can slowly start adding more protein into your day over time to get closer to your goal. Don't feel the need to double your protein grams overnight. Add 10-20 grams extra at a time, over time, to allow your body to adjust. 

A few high-protein options are meat and poultry, fish, tofu, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, egg whites, edamame, and protein powder (if whole foods are inconvenient or unavailable). Download my free high-protein meal ideas PDF. While some foods like peanut butter and cheese contain protein, which can add to your daily totals, these are not high-protein foods. I categorize them as fats in the diet. 


Eating fats does not make you fat, as previously believed in popular culture. Include healthy fats in proper portions as part of a fat loss plan. Healthy fats are necessary to absorb nutrients and keep your hormones balanced. Fats have more calories per gram (nine) than carbohydrates and protein (four each), and they are usually delicious, so they are easier to overconsume. A mistake many people make is overeating healthy foods like nuts and avocados, not realizing their portion sizes or high-calorie content. The overconsumption of calories beyond your body's needs leads to fat gain, not one particular food or macronutrient. 

Aim for proper portions of healthy fats like avocados, unflavored nuts, and extra virgin olive oil. A thumb-size of fats is a good measure of an appropriate portion. 


Fat may have been the villain in the 90s, but today, the world thinks that carbohydrates and sugar lead to fat gain. As mentioned above, fat gain does not happen from consuming a single food or macronutrient. It is caused by the overconsumption of calories, as a whole, in relation to your body's needs. 

As a runner, it is essential to understand that carbohydrates are protein-sparing. That means the body uses glycogen (energy stored from eating carbohydrates) instead of breaking down muscle for energy. Once you understand how vital muscle is for healthy metabolism and fat loss, you know why eating smart carbohydrates in proper portions is essential for a runner's fat loss goals. If you have concerns about eating carbohydrates, try to time them directly around your workouts, before and after, to use them for performance and recovery. 


I can't close out this lesson without mentioning rest and recovery in fat loss. If you feel like you have been doing everything right but still are not seeing the desired results, look at your sleep and stress levels. If left unchecked, poor sleep and high stress can inhibit fat loss due to their impact on hormones.

Sometimes, we expect immediate results, but fat loss, the right way, takes time. Slow it down, train hard, fuel appropriately, and expect results, no matter when they may come. Most importantly, enjoy the process! We can't force outcomes, but the results come more naturally when we fall in love with the journey.


  1. Running is excellent for health and weight maintenance, but there are better long-term strategies for fat loss.

  2. Increasing your daily step count can be an effective way to get more movement without adding a lot of additional stress to your body.

  3. The key is a small calorie deficit, but to balance your unique energy needs as a runner so you do not eat too little and sabotage your results and performance. 

  4. A combination of nutrition adherence, progressive resistance training, and running or walking will yield the best fat-loss results.

  5. Protein is essential to retain and build muscle as you lose weight. 

  6. Fat doesn't make you fat, but pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overeating.

  7. Smart carbohydrates don't make you fat and can help preserve muscle, give you energy, and help with recovery. 

  8. Aim to eat whole, unprocessed natural foods as much as feasible in your lifestyle.

  9. Prioritize sleep and stress management when in a fat-loss phase.

  10. Train hard, expect results, but enjoy the process.


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Coach Lea


Is An Obsession with Numbers Killing Your Results?

Have you ever stopped to consider if we're too fixated on the numbers—the scale, our pace, the weight on the bar, our steps, our calories, macros, or our body fat percentage? And if so, is this obsession helping or hurting us? 

Of course, monitoring can be valuable. You've heard the saying that what gets measured gets managed. 

If you don't track your calories, how will you know if you are eating too many (or too few)? 

If you don't monitor your weight, how can you be sure it doesn't get out of hand? 

It's not the numbers themselves; it's our emotional attachment to them. When we get emotionally attached to a number, the problems begin.

It took me a long time to detach my emotions from the number on the scale. I spent my entire adult life believing that a lower number on the scale was better, and if those numbers rose, that was a reason to be emotionally distraught. It is hard to undo thirty years (or more) of mental conditioning. 

A long time ago, long before I was into fitness or knew anything about nutrition, I was in a K-Mart (bear with me) with my then-boyfriend (now husband) and his friend. I stepped on one of those scales where you drop in a quarter, and it gave you a little printout of your weight. Now, friends, my memory is not quite sharp enough twenty-five-ish years later to remember what that little piece of paper revealed, but I am willing to wager the number is less than what I weigh now. I remember vividly that when I saw that number, I immediately burst into tears in the middle of K-Mart! 

Talk about an emotional attachment to a number. I am 100% sure I was nowhere near the definition of overweight. 

Then, I spent the next few decades being happy when that number went down and feeling sad (or bad) when it went up. 

It wasn't until I started lifting weights seriously that I began to intellectually understand that if my goal was to gain muscle, then the number on the scale could increase, which would be a good result of my training. Muscles are denser than fat and take up less space in the body, so when building muscle, you can weigh more but fit into smaller pants. But knowing this intellectually doesn't change those ingrained emotional responses. 

If the number on the scale went down, even though this could be directly opposed my stated goal of building muscle, I would still secretly be happy about it. I couldn't help it. My emotional brain thought that the number down equals happiness. As I said, thirty years of mental conditioning is hard to break. 

I had to step off the scale and focus on non-scale victories to overcome my obsession. Today, I have no idea what I weigh; I could probably guess within five to eight pounds, but I no longer have the emotional attachment to the daily ups and downs. I monitor my weight by how my clothes fit and how I look in the mirror. I'm mentally healthier for it. I’ve managed to maintain my weight without obsessing over the scale.

When my doctor commented at my annual physical that I weighed two pounds more than the previous year, I responded, "It's probably muscle." and resisted the urge to flex for her. That's real growth. 

The problem with fixating on the numbers is that often, these outcomes are out of our control. Sure, we can control what we eat, how much we exercise, and how many hours we allot to sleep each night, but these are not guarantees of a specific outcome on the scale. Fat loss isn't a math problem. 

It's ironic, but when we try to force results and become obsessed and emotionally attached to outcomes that are out of our control, the stress makes it more challenging, potentially sabotaging the results.

But when we let go of the result, focus on our actions, and learn to enjoy the process no matter the outcome, we release the burden and are more likely to achieve the desired outcome. 

Of course, the scale is an issue for many people, but it's not just the scale. We fixate on the numbers in many different ways. For us runners, sometimes it's our pace. I admit I do the same thing with my running pace that I used to do with the scale. I tell myself I will run slower some days to manage recovery better. Still, I'm secretly happy when my results reveal that I ran faster than intended (even though this directly conflicts with my stated goal). No. One. Cares. About. Your. Pace. But. You. I've been wondering if it might be best to lose the watch for a while like I lost the scale to mentally free myself from the burden of numbers. 

What about you? Do you get emotionally attached? Is it the scale, your pace, your calorie intake? Have you ever considered that when in a stressed, controlling, and fixated mindset, freeing yourself from the burden of numbers could potentially improve your results? 

It may sound counterintuitive, but caring less could yield better outcomes. Approaching your goals and actions from a place of joy, gratitude, and acceptance could bring better results. How might your outcomes be different if you could relax and release expectations?

What about an experiment? Let go of control, expectation, fixation, and stress of a specific number or results, and see where it leads you. If this little experiment doesn't yield results, you can always go back, but if you've never tried letting go, what can it hurt? After all, if it seems like you've been banging your head against the wall while not making progress, you don't get different results by doing the same things. If nothing else, it could be a needed mental break. 

Need help? Fill out a coaching application to see if we will be a good fit!

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Coach Lea


Think Like A Master Coach To Reach Your Health & Fitness Goals

I am thrilled to share some good news and how it can help you! I spent the last six months attending classes, studying, learning, and practicing the skills needed to become a Precision Nutrition Level 2 Master Coach, and I recently earned my certification! I want to share five key concepts from my class that can help you reach your goals, whether you decide to hire a coach or not. 

  1. The First Step is Knowing Your Why

To achieve your health and wellness goals, you must have a clear vision of where you want to go. It's always more than a lower number on the scale or skinny jeans. Dig deeper. Who do you want to be? What will be different? Why is it important to you? How does it feel? What does your social circle look like? How will your life be better? Use this data to plan the action steps needed to get there while aligning them with your identity and values. What matters to you? Ask yourself why. 

It goes beyond six-pack abs or a particular time on the race clock. Change is hard, and if it doesn't have meaning beyond attracting strangers or social media attention, chances are you won't have the ability to ride the wave through the ups and downs. 

When we connect our goals, values, and identity, they become real. When our goals have meaning and an emotional component, we can make choices that match the person we want to become. How will it feel to reach your goal? How can you start feeling that way right now? 

Write it down. On paper. Yes, paper. Write your wellness vision in the present tense, as if describing your current reality! 

Once you clarify why your goal is important, you can use that as a compass to direct your daily actions. I am offering a free resource to help create your wellness vision. If you prefer to go through it with me, fill out a coaching application here. 

2. Autonomy and Self-Efficacy Is Essential For Behavior Change

Client-centered coaching means that the client leads the way. The client decides what they want to address, what is important to them, how to approach it, and what makes sense in their life. The coach provides support, guidance, and education (if needed and accepted by the client). 

It may sound backward to some; they think, "Wait, isn't my coach supposed to tell me what to do so I can improve?" The coach may be the expert in fitness and health, but you are the expert on your own life, experiences, preferences, lifestyle, and background. For real change to happen, it must work in your life's context. Making lifestyle changes without regard to the client's real-life experiences will not reliably lead to long-term results. These two experts must work together.

If a coach handed you a meal plan and said, "Eat this to lose weight," but you looked it over and had foods you disliked, foods you had intolerances to, foods your kids wouldn't eat, and foods that weren't available at your local store, or you never prepared before. How likely are you to stick to it long enough for it to be effective?  (besides, in most states, it is out of the scope of practice for trainers to prescribe meal plans.)

What if the coach asked you about your favorite foods, what you knew how to prepare, what new foods you were interested in trying, what your kids would eat, and what foods had cultural significance? Then, you worked together to create a plan that brought you closer to your goals. Sounds more likely to last, right? The difference here is the expert on your life and body (you) took the lead, while the coach helped guide.

Have you ever felt resistant or rebellious when someone dictated what you "should" do? It's human nature. We dislike people telling us what to do, which applies to coaching as much as anything else. We usually respond poorly to people barking orders at us (even when we think that is what we want), leading us to rebel against our best interests to hold on to our autonomy.

Self-efficacy is the belief in your ability to adopt and sustain a new behavior. You have to believe you can do it. A coach can't believe it for you (even though we wish we could!) but can work to help you see your potential. 

Your autonomy and self-efficacy are critical factors in successful behavior change. You have to be in charge of your future and believe you can. It doesn't mean you don't need a coach, but when you decide to make changes, they should be meaningful, engaging, enjoyable, and appropriate for your current skill level. You can work with your coach to combine their expertise and yours to collaborate on the best plan for you. 

3. Approach Goals with Unconditional positive regard

When I first became a trainer close to ten years ago, I worried I would not be a good coach, just by the nature of my personality. I'm a bit of an introvert (training is a people-person job!). I am not an in-your-face, motivate-you-by-intimidation, tough-love drill sergeant. Maybe I watched too many episodes of The Biggest Loser, watching Jillian Michaels scream in the faces of her crying victims, err, I mean trainees and thought that is what a good trainer does. 

As I gained experience, I learned that most people respond better to a compassionate coach who supports them and finds the positive in most situations. If someone wanted a David Goggins or Jillian Michaels-type trainer, plenty were out there telling people to toughen up and get over it; that just wasn't me. 

Over the years, I discovered that my personality was not a hindrance but a strength in this field. But it wasn't until I took the level two master health coaching class that I learned that compassionate coaching, far from being a soft approach, is scientifically proven more effective than harsh discipline for long-term behavior change. 

Despite the success of popular television trainers and social media personalities, long-term behavior change does not reliably result from force, fear, or intimidation. Shame is a poor motivator. If it worked, wouldn't it have worked by now? 

On the other hand, leaning into strengths, using failures and setbacks as learning opportunities, and looking for the bright spots in every situation bring optimism and hope into the change process. It's not about cheerleading or suppressing negative emotions but calling out positive progress and strengths, no matter how small. Any step forward is a step in the right direction. Success builds upon success. If you only focus on one measure of progress (for example, the scale), you are more likely to get demotivated if you don't see the desired changes immediately. A coach can help you recognize objective and subjective progress markers and celebrate all the small wins on the way to reaching your big goals. 

Lean into your strengths and focus on the good to overcome the innate human negative bias. 

As a self-proclaimed introvert, I don't aim to teach large, high-energy fitness classes but instead lean into my strengths and develop deep connections with my one-on-one clients, playing into my natural strengths.

As someone who gravitates towards a more gentle approach to fitness, meeting people where they are and slowly and appropriately challenging them to aim higher can help my clients more effectively than the go-hard-or-go-home approach to fitness. 

What are your strengths? How can you lean into them to reach your personal goals?

4. How you talk to yourself is critical to change.

I read a book recently that said if the voice inside your head were a person outside you, you would kick it to the curb in less than a day. You wouldn't put up with someone who talked the way your thoughts do. But we accept it. Worse, we believe those thoughts. 

We don't even realize how bad it is. I have decently high self-esteem, and when I tried to recognize, notice, and name those unhelpful thoughts, I was shocked at how prominent they were...and I like myself!  

Some were self-deprecating humor: When I went to a baby shower and left the gift on my kitchen table. "You're an idiot; you'd forget your head if it weren't attached!" When I tripped over the rug in the gym, "Ah, Lea, you're such a clutz. Keep it up, and you will hurt your other foot!" Some were reactive: "Ugh, why are you so stupid?" others were straight-up mean, like, "Of course, that happened to you; you probably deserved it."

I decided to pay attention to how I talked to myself, and if my thoughts weren't helpful in some way, I would dismiss them as untrue or reframe them in a way that was beneficial for future improvement. Boy, these things came up a lot more than I realized, but I started to recognize them in myself (and in what others were saying about themselves)! 

I am not stupid; I did something thoughtless—a big difference. 

I am not a clutz. I didn't see the rug and took a misstep. Next time, I'll work to pay more attention.

I am not an idiot. I have a lot on my mind, and I was rushing to get out the door when I forgot a critical item. To avoid this in the future, I will make a list when I am not thinking clearly.

See the difference? 

Do you think any of these? 

I'm so lazy; why did I sleep instead of working out? 

If I had been more disciplined, I wouldn't have had dessert. 

I am a loser; I can't seem to get my shit together.  

I always quit when it gets hard!

I'm never going to figure this out! 

Does this sound familiar? Join the club, fellow human. I generally have high self-regard, and when I started paying attention, I noticed these thoughts were slipping by unnoticed all the time. 

Positive or at least neutral self-talk is essential for behavior change because you will not make positive, uplifting changes if you continue to berate yourself all day. 

When you are kind to yourself, you leave room for mistakes and learning. You grow by thinking through your errors without judgment but with an eye for future improvement. When you don't limit yourself with unhelpful labels, you are more likely to see the potential for future growth and progress.

When you have compassion for yourself, it gives you the mental tools to overcome obstacles. You can't rise above the way you see yourself.  I wrote more on self-compassion here.

5. Behavior Change is Skill Building

People often think they can't or won't change their behavior because they lack the motivation, self-discipline, or willpower needed to succeed, but the truth is that behavior change is more about skill and habit building than an internal drive.

Pushing, forcing, insisting, and white-knuckling are ineffective strategies for long-term change. Learning with a growth mindset, patience, and perseverance is more effective. 

What skills do you need to develop to reach your goals?

Mindset skills?

Movement skills?

Nutrition skills?

Time management skills?

Stress management skills?

Self-regulation skills? 

They are all related.

Fat loss goals aren't only about eating less. If you are not adequately managing stress or have poor sleep habits, that could affect your outcome. Do you have cooking skills? What about tracking? Or body awareness (i.e., tuning into your hunger and fullness signals)? Are you thoroughly chewing your food? Seriously, sometimes we are so distracted that we don't even notice we are not. 

Running a faster marathon time isn't just about running. Your results could be hampered if you don't fuel appropriately, sleep well, or operate with a growth mindset. How to develop the skills to run a marathon.

You could sabotage a goal to build muscle and strength if your form needs to be corrected, you can't make the time for consistent exercise, or you’re not eating enough protein. I said it once before, but it bears repeating now: sleep is essential to operate as a functional human being and even more important if you have health and fitness goals. 

It's all connected; developing the necessary habits and skills can catapult your results. 

When you break it down, you can learn many skills that can move you toward your goals. You can choose what feels meaningful and important, what seems like a fun challenge, and what you want to work on next. It's liberating to realize that you don't need more discipline or toughening up. Instead, you can take small steps forward that snowball over time into big results. 

I took this master coaching class to improve my skills and help my clients reach their goals, but I grew so much personally in the process. At the risk of sounding dramatic, the class didn't just change my coaching; it changed my life for the better.  Now, I am taking the next steps to become a NBHWC board-certified health coach.

Did you learn anything you can take away and use to work towards your goals? Developing a wellness vision that connects your goals with your identity and values is critical. Autonomy and self-efficacy are essential for behavior change. Take responsibility for your choices and actions. Unconditional positive regard is scientifically more effective than shaming or criticizing. How you talk to yourself matters; be kind! You can't rise above how you see yourself. Developing skills and habits will bring you closer to your goals more effectively than white-knuckling and suffering! 

Do you want a partner and a guide towards reaching your goals? Fill out a coaching application to get started!

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Questions? I’d love to help.

Coach Lea


My Favorite Non-Fiction Book Quotes (Running, Goal Achievement, Mindset)

As part of my New Year's Resolutions (remember those?), I decided to scroll less on my phone at night to relax and read on my Kindle instead. Mentally, it was an easy swap, one black gadget for another. I like to read, and my list of books I wanted to dive into was piling up, so I began reading. I joined Libby to borrow books from the library and have Spotify Premium, where you get a fixed number of audiobook listening hours each month.

It's April first. Do you know how many books I have read so far this year? 24! How many did I read last year? I think five. That was a lot of wasted time on social media, which I replaced with a more productive activity. Yay, me.

To be fair, eight of these were audiobooks (you can send all the angry emails that audiobooks aren't reading to Just kidding, don't do that). I listen to books when running, walking, or in the sauna. I read the Kindle in the evenings before bed.

When I read, I always highlight ideas that stand out to me, but I rarely go back and look at what I highlighted. I recently discovered that Kindle has kept track of all my highlights in a clippings file. When I read back through my highlights, it reminded me of some quotes I liked from these books, and because I love to blog, I thought it would be fun to share those thoughts and ideas with you!

Here are my favorite quotes from ten non-fiction books for better running, goal achievement, and mindset.

Brain Training For Runners (Fitzgerald, Matt)

“Low motivation for running is often your brain's way of telling your mind that something is wrong—perhaps you are overtrained, or you just need a mental break from formal training.”

"Resistance training improves communication between brain and muscles in ways that enable you to run more efficiently and with less chance of injury."

"Recent science has shown that the brain allows the body to exercise as long and as hard as it "believes" the body can go without harming itself."

"As few as four nights of partial sleep deprivation result in skyrocketing levels of circulating cortisol."

The Art of Impossible (Kotler, Steven)

"Which is why learning to treat fear as a challenge to rise toward rather than a threat to be avoided can make such a profound difference in our lives."

"The goal is to become comfortable with being uncomfortable."

"We don't rise to the level of our expectations; we fall to the level of our training."

Run Elite (Snow, Andrew)

"You cannot consistently perform in a manner which is inconsistent with the way you see yourself."

"Never rely on other people for your positive emotions."

"The only reason you want the time on the clock is because of the way you'll think it will make you feel. The result you want is the feeling, or the emotional state."

Broken Open: Mountains, Demons, Treadmills And a Search for Nirvana (Clark, David)

"It's odd to think that when we let go of the stress of the future, we always seem to perform at a level high enough to make that future amazing. But when we press hard for a specific outcome, we tend to get run over by fate."

"The only way to be strong is to choose to be strong—right now. So I did that. I stopped letting my emotions run me and started directing them."

Bravey (Pappas, Alexi)

"I would later learn that it's actually quite hard to tell yourself to change your feelings...You have to change your actions, then your thoughts and feelings will follow."

"Along the way to being good enough to win at something, you will inevitably lose."

"It isn't helpful to fixate on the end result. The only thing that's in your control is the progress you're making today. You trust that if you keep trying, you will come to the finish line eventually, whatever the finish line looks like for you. The end result will not always be in your hands. What is in your hands is the try."

"Trying your best doesn't mean being the best, it just means trying your best."

"A great coach once told me that when the pain sets in during a workout, it takes less mental energy to push harder than it does to think about slowing down or stopping."

Choosing to Run (Linden, Des)

"Challenge to myself: Will this help me become a champion? Act as if you are the thing you are trying to become."

"You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate."

The Obstacle is The Way (Holiday, Ryan)

"Persist and resist. Persist in your efforts, resist giving into distractions, discouragement, or disorder."

"We don't get to choose what happens to us, but we can always choose how we feel about it. And why on earth would you choose to feel anything but good? We can choose to render a good account of ourselves."

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life (Tracy, BrIAn)

" If there is no solution, there is no problem."

"Paranoid is someone who believes people are conspiring against him or her. An inverse paranoid, in contrast, is a person who is convinced the world is conspiring to make him or her successful.

"No matter how comfortable you might feel saying it, others don't make you mad. You make you mad. You make you scared, annoyed, or insulted. You and only you create your emotions."

The Greatness Mindset (Howes, Lewis)

"You'll never rise any higher than the way you see yourself."

"Success is in the process, not the outcome. When you don't depend on a specific outcome to define your worth, you are free to become great by failing, learning, and moving forward."

The Untethered Soul (Singer, Michael)

"Just stop. Take a moment to remember that you're spinning on a planet in the middle of empty space. Then remind yourself you're not going to get involved in your own melodrama. In other words, let go of what is going on right then, and remind yourself you don't want to play the mind game."

I thought it was telling that I highlighted a lot about taking control of your thoughts and emotions and focusing on the process rather than the outcomes. Was there anything helpful for you here?

Have you read any of these books? Do you have any book recommendations for me? After all, I have plowed through 24 books so far this year, so I must keep adding to my reading list!

Reading is great (and better than mindlessly scrolling), but the important part is your action based on the new knowledge. What will you do differently now, with this new information?

Did you like this post? Do you know someone who might benefit? It helps me when you share with your friends and followers.

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Questions? I’d love to help.

Coach Lea


Meet Lea: The Lessons That Took Me Ten Years to Learn

I want to tell you about the crazy ride that took me from an insecure chronic dieter to a fitness professional and health coach.

But first, I want to thank you for being here.

My fitness story begins with the first time I gained thirty pounds. 

That’s right. I, too, struggled with my weight and my relationship with health and fitness.

In fact, I’d bet that many speed bumps, barriers, or difficulties you encounter when trying to lose weight or get in shape…I’ve been there.

Overweight? Been there.

Underweight and miserable because of unhealthy exercise habits? Been there.

Hiding from family and friends because “I just don’t want people to see me like this”? Been there.

All-or-nothing mindset? Been there.

Slipping into disordered eating territory? Been there.

It’s crazy because until I approached thirty (I thought I was getting old!), I never had to think about food, let alone “stick to a diet.”

I committed all the usual sins: daily fast food, frequent alcohol, and zero exercise without apparent consequence (ahh, youth). Being in shape (or at least looking it) was easy, or so I thought.

Then, my life changed a bit. I went from working a retail job that kept me on my feet for up to ten hours a day (climbing store ladders in 4-inch heels (again, youth!) to working an office job where I spent nearly the same number of hours sitting on my butt. 

My already non-existent activity level tanked. I thought my metabolism was slowing down because I was getting older (I was young! I was thirty), but the truth is that the inactivity and poor diet finally caught up with me!

Before I knew it, I was thirty pounds (or more; I stopped weighing) overweight and dealing with this new reality. Is this who I am now? My pants didn’t fit. I felt terrible about myself. I avoided friends because I was embarrassed.

I was legitimately insecure and looking for the secret formula to lose weight fast.

So, I did what I thought I should…I started running too much and eating too little.

I am not knocking running. I am a runner. Running was my introduction to the fitness world. I genuinely love to run, the runner's high, the community, the racing, the fun, not to mention the health and mental benefits. But running is not the holy grail for long-term weight loss that the fitness industry would have you believe. I learned this lesson the hardest way possible.

I went extreme, tracking every calorie and counting twelve almonds for a snack while running thirty or forty miles a week.

I would drop weight on the scale and feel like I had accomplished something. Meanwhile, my metabolism, muscle mass, and gut health were tanking.

I lived like that for years, yo-yo-ing more times than I care to recount. Lose the weight. Go off the diet, scale back the running, start drinking, and gain it all back, plus more. Or I’d get sick, injured, or burned out. Over and over and over again. 

It was frustrating. I was confused and embarrassed. And scared this was my new reality.

Then I started strength training, not because I believed it would help me with my weight loss goals, but because I heard it would help me improve my running performance and reduce injuries. (Of course, it didn’t occur to me that injuries were caused by under-fueling and over-exercising.)

The results of strength training were amazing. I was building muscle, getting stronger, and improving my body composition...and my weight was stabilizing. I didn’t gain a pound (or five) every time I had a “cheat meal.” (a term I now despise). I had more flexibility in my diet and felt better than ever—and my running performance did improve. And I’ve kept the weight off for ten years.

I felt like I discovered the secret I had been searching for. 

I wanted to help others get strong, improve their mindset, and change unhealthy relationships with food and exercise. 

I spent the next several years studying, earning endless certifications, to discover one simple fact…

There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ system, no one secret way to help everyone eat right, get healthy, and stay fit.

Why? Because no two people are the same.

We all respond differently to the food we eat and the training we do, even if we’re doing the same things.

Of course, there are universal truths (resistance training, aiming for minimally processed foods, getting some damn sleep), but we are individuals. We must factor in our lifestyles, what we enjoy, our cultures, our preferences, and our willingness to make changes.

No macro percentage or calorie allotment system will work the same for everyone or guarantee some version of success. You can't use math to solve a people problem.

Once I realized this, everything changed. I got focused on my mindset and what my body was telling me. 

I began to consider how to share my newfound knowledge with others who had been unwitting victims of the diet and fitness industry like I had.

Other people had spent years feeling like failures, blaming themselves for being weak or lacking willpower. I wanted to help all the other chronic dieters suffering from their poor relationship with nutrition and fitness.

I made real changes, not just with my body but with my mind. After going up and down in weight for nearly ten years, I kept it off for ten years. It seemed so simple, but there were lessons I had to learn, lessons I wanted to teach others.

Now, I collaborate with my clients. It's not a dictatorship, with me barking orders and clients obediently following. My clients lead the way because they are the experts in their lives and bodies. Most have been living in their bodies for four decades or more! I don’t claim to have all the answers—How could I when my clients are the experts in their bodies and experiences? We work together, and I help guide and provide education and information as needed to progress.

We figure out what strategies make sense in their lifestyles. A busy wife and mom with a corporate job probably isn’t following a meal plan (as if her kids wouldn’t rebel against chicken and broccoli five nights a week). A student with a big family culture isn't packing Tupperware meals for grandma's dinner nights.  An office worker who hasn't seen the inside of a gym in twenty years isn't doing burpees in a boot camp competition against twenty-year-olds. That kind of advice doesn't make sense, given their lifestyle, experiences, and preferences.

That critical information, lifestyle, experience, and preferences allow us to understand the best training, nutrition, mindset, and lifestyle practices we can employ to maximize results.

My coaching business was designed to achieve one goal…

To help my clients finally look, feel, and perform their best

All while sustaining nutritional and physical health for the rest of their lives! No more up-and-down yo-yo-ing (so they don’t have to make all the mistakes that I did).

And that’s exactly what I do.

So many of us blow through diets and fitness regimens without building confidence in ourselves because what we’re told to do goes completely against who we are as people.

It’s not that you’re not disciplined enough:

It’s that these diets are a one-size-fits-all bucket of lies designed to keep you losing and gaining weight, so you have to keep coming back to them to get your fix!

It’s like an addiction, but you’re convinced you’re doing all the right things.

You’ve been taught:

👎 To constantly count and calculate macros for the rest of your life

👎 That your life has to revolve around your diet

👎 That you can’t go out to eat or enjoy the holidays 

👎 That if you want to lose more fat, then do more cardio, eat less food

👎That high-intensity group exercise or boot camp five days a week is the answer to fat loss

👎That 1500 calories a day is the magic number for weight loss

👎That a lower number on the scale is always a good result

It's no wonder so many of us fail when this is what mainstream fitness is teaching us!

But the good news is that I can teach you what I've learned on my journey.

And it doesn't have to be restrictive—it’s better if it isn’t. Flexibility is what keeps us consistent.

Your nutritional habits should work with your preferences and your life, not despite them.

Self-care is not a fad or something you do until you hit your goal weight… It’s a life-long lifestyle.

Because you’re working with your innate nature, your results are much easier to obtain and sustain.

And the benefits don’t only show up in the mirror …

You’ll also...

👍 Have more energy

👍 Manage stress better

👍 Sleep better

👍 Have more confidence

👍 Age better

👍 Perform better

👍 Progress optimally and maximize your results 

I hope you take inspiration from my personal story. I would never change anything about my fitness and nutrition journey. 

Looking back, I saw that gaining those thirty pounds at thirty years old was the best thing that could have happened to me. Without the catalyst of weight gain, I would have gone on to be skinny and unhealthy for the rest of my life, becoming more frail as I age. Today, at nearly fifty years old, I am in the best shape of my life.

My journey taught me that: 

✔ Strength training is a game changer (especially for women over 30).

Running is fantastic for physical and mental health but not optimal as a long-term fat-loss strategy.

✔ Food quality is just as important as food quantity

✔ Eating enough is just as important as not eating too much

✔  True nutrition is individualized and should fit into each person’s life

✔  Real fitness starts internally, and the external stuff will take care of itself

✔  You can love yourself and still want to improve. You can't shame yourself into healthy behaviors. Mindset is everything. 

If you’re still reading, I want to thank you!

This is a personal story for me to tell, but it’s also a really important one for you to know because it’s also about you.

Enough about me. Tell me about your journey, goals, dreams, and favorite song on your workout playlist (and I’ll tell you mine)!

Are you Interested in working with me to improve your fitness and nutrition? Often, going on a diet or going to the gym isn’t the answer. You may need to close the loop on lifestyle behaviors to maximize your results. I can help you with fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle factors to help you reach your personal goals. If you want support and guidance and to feel like you have someone in your corner, fill out a coaching application, and I'll get in touch. Then, we can chat about whether we would be a good fit. 


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Questions? I’d love to help.

Coach Lea