Fourth of July: Firecracker Five to Blow Up Your Workout
It's Independence Day in the US and it's also workout Wednesday, so I thought this week we'd blow up our workout a bit! This is a fast-moving, short-timed, high-intensity workout. Just like in the front row of a fireworks show, it's not for the weak of heart!
Perform 30 seconds of each exercise with little or no rest between exercises. We'll move between a low-intensity movement and an explosive one.
Always warm up before any workout. Don't rush the moves. While you should be moving through the circuit fairly quickly, take the time to reset your form for each rep of each exercise, especially the explosive moves. Exercises done quickly with improper form are at best ineffective and at worst, dangerous. Be safe and don't put your eye out.
The firecracker five workout. Save to your favorite Pinterest workout board for later.
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