Core Partner Workout to Try with Your Valentine or BRF
Welcome to the latest edition of workout Wednesday when each week I share a new running or runner-specific strength training workout. It's February and love is in the air so it seemed the right time for my second annual Valentine's Day partner workout.
I love working out with with my partner. My husband is my favorite running buddy and it helps with motivation to have another person working towards similar goals. Hubby motives me to get up early and run, mainly because I know he is counting on me to be there for him. (Also because he pulls off the covers at 5am and turns on all the lights. How's that for motivation?) Sometimes we feel more accountable to another person than we do ourselves. Whether you have a swole-mate, a valentine, a BRF (best running friend) or a gym buddy, grab anyone you can sucker into it and let's have some partner-workout fun!
I recruited my favorite love birds to demonstrate my core-focused partner workout in the ShredShed. Sorry the gig doesn't pay well, but they were good sports. Wish them a happy wedding anniversary, they just celebrated one year!
Happy Anniversary. Now stop it. We have work to do!
This core-focused partner workout is done in a circuit fashion. Move from one exercise to the next with little or no rest between exercises. Once you complete the circuit, rest for one minute then repeat one or two more times.
Core-focused partner workout. Try it with your favorite sweaty buddy or save to Pinterest for later.
Find a workout buddy and try it for yourself. Do you have a favorite fitness friend? At the time of this post, I have openings in the Fort Worth Shredshed for personal training for runners. I help runners get stronger, faster and reduce change of injury with strength training. Team up with a friend for a reduced rate for two in one session.
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